Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Loehner Crew on Christmas Morning!!

Better late than never!!

Here is the Loehner Crew plus Jacob on Christmorning. If you look really hard you can see dad in the back window. From left to right, me (Rachel) - 24, Robin - 22, Katie - 21, Sarah - 18, and the good ole brother John across the front at 14. Let me tell you, he is on heavy little man. And then of course Jacob - 3, on "Aunt" Katie's shoulders. He always has to be in on all the action.

I would like to think that we are a close family but if you would come down to mom and dad's when we are all together, you would never know it.

"Big Sister" has her work cut out for her and I think out of all 4 of them John has been the hardest to keep up with. Imagine that?!

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