The life stories and ramblings of a families life in Central Missouri. Along with guidance and advice for adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and a passion for scrapbooking, and a personal business in Mary Kay Cosmetics, and a full time career in the dairy industry!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Right now I have 2 online classes: Business Finance and Advertising and Sales Promotions. Mom and I spend hours upon hours working on my Business Finance class and it is kicking our butt. Luckily we are now starting week 7 of a 8 week course. Thank goodness!!
The next 8 weeks I have: Statistics on campus 2 nights a week, and then Consumer Behavior and Western Civilization II online. Yeah, I am not for sure how I am going to pull this one off yet but after that I only have 3 more classes and I AM DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know what I am going to do with myself once I graduate. PARTY!!!!!! (yeah right)
Well I better get back to the homework....
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Loehner Crew on Christmas Morning!!
Here is the Loehner Crew plus Jacob on Christmorning. If you look really hard you can see dad in the back window. From left to right, me (Rachel) - 24, Robin - 22, Katie - 21, Sarah - 18, and the good ole brother John across the front at 14. Let me tell you, he is on heavy little man. And then of course Jacob - 3, on "Aunt" Katie's shoulders. He always has to be in on all the action.
I would like to think that we are a close family but if you would come down to mom and dad's when we are all together, you would never know it.
"Big Sister" has her work cut out for her and I think out of all 4 of them John has been the hardest to keep up with. Imagine that?!