Friday, November 6, 2009

New Edition to the Family!!

So we now have a new edition to the family. Brian and Trisha finally had their baby! It's official I am an aunt!!!!


She was born on November 4th, 2009 at 7:04am and weighed 7lbs 3oz and was 20 inches long. She sure did take her sweet time getting here but after Trisha endured a total of 43 HOURS of labor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was finally here!

And may AUNT Rachel say, she is absolutely perfect!

More to come soon!

Friday, September 18, 2009


Hello to all!!

2 more classes down and 2 more to go and then I am an official graduate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jacob turned 4 on Monday, September 14th! I can not believe it. We had his party on Sunday and let me tell you the child came out with so much stuff I still don't think he has gotten through it all.

Once school is over, I have alot of catching up to do. First, Mary Kay and then scrapbooking! I have some of the most amazing Mary Kay customers!! I just want to tell you all that you are amazing and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me. I promise my Christmas's Open Houses this year are going to be awesome!!! You will love the SALES!!

As for scrapbooking....lets just put it this way, I have picture from two Christmas's ago that I have not scrapbooked yet. OOPSS!! My next investment is going to be Cricut. They are so neat and it would come in so handy. But I can decide between a Cricut Create Personal and the new Expression. If anyone has any advice, feel free to give me some. I need it.

Well that is all for now, I promise to post pics soon.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wedding Update!!

So it has been a while since I have posted an update on the wedding. Well the official wedding date is May 8, 2010. We now are less than a year away. YIKES!! Time flies. We have come to the crazy decision that we are going to make our own invitations and programs.

Our colors are going to be bright orange and fuscha pink. Yep, it is going to be bright!!!

I have slowly started collecting gerber daisys and things from Hobby Lobby and JoAnn's but.......we still have a long way to go.

But we will get worries!!!

I will keep you posted.


I just took finals and wrapped up class for E-Marketing and Western Civilization II. Can you say "YUCK"? School is kicking my butt. I am so ready for it to be over but only 4 classes left and Rachel is DONE! Then I will officially be GRADUATED!!!!! Alleluia!!!

The next 8 week segment starts August 10th so I get a couple of weeks in there for a break. AMEN!!! Then I start Music Appreciation and Marketing Research. YIPPEE!!!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

New Addition to the family!!

Sorry I have fallen off the face of the earth. I promise I am here. Life seems to be just flying by.

Well, we have a new addition to the family to announce!!!!

Her name is Chloe and she is a 12 week old Pomerainian puppy. I know who would have thought they would see the day that Rachel had a house dog. But.....she is sooooooooooo cute and her personaltiy is amazing!! Plus Jacob loves her!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I guess it is that time of year again.....allergies. Jacob nor I have really been affected in the past by allergies...well not this year.

Yep....swollen, puffy and watery eyes...sneezing and snotting. Does it ever end??!!!!

Poor guy, there are times, if he doesn't take his allergy medicine on time, his poor eye will swell almost completly shut. But he doesn't let it get him down... he keeps on truckin'.

He definitely has his mommy in him!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


So last week was a week from who knows where. Last Friday night, I came home to Brad on the couch with severe stomach pains and vomiting. Knowing me, I immediately thought it was the flu but as time passed his pain got increasingly worse. Needless to say, we ended up the the ER until 1AM. That night morphine had become his best friend.

Saturday and Sunday he stayed pretty commatosed with Vicatin and muscle relaxers. AMEN for MEDS!!!!

Monday we had an outpatient Hida Scan done which tested the function of his gallbladder. Wednesday was a trip to the General Surgeons office. Hida Scan and ultrasound came back normal. WOW!! Now what!!

Friday on to a EGD (tube down the throat). Results.......6 ulcers (1 big one), a hyedel hernia, and Gastroesophal Disease. All caused by acid reflux. YEAH, what a day!!

So what does that mean for Brad......quit chewing, watch calcium intake, reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption. After being told all of this, he asked the doctor only one question....."Can I at lease eat my greasy foods"????????!!!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Rachel Gardening??????

Most of you that know me, know that I am not much of a gardener nor do I have a green thumb but that is all about to change.

LOOK AT ME NOW!!! Here is a picture of me and some of my co-workers putting in a garden for the Missouri Department of Agriculture. Yep, you heard me right, the Missouri Department of Agriculture officially has a vegatable garden and will also have a pumkin patch!!!

Thanks to Lane McConnell and Tony Anderson for helping us all become better gardeners!

Now the next chore is actually getting a small garden put in at out house. Yeah, I know, it is a scary thought.

Monday, April 13, 2009


I just wanted to stop in and wish everyone a Happy Easter!!!.

The Easter Bunny was very good to Jacob this year. Almost a little to good.
GOD Bless!!
Pictures to come soon....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April!!!

Happy April Everyone!!!!!

Man, it is hard to believe that it is April already!!! Although I am not complaining about the nice warm weather.

Needless to say things have been a bit crazy around here. School is back in session. I have Statistics on Monday and Wednesday nights and then Consumer Behavior online. My graduation date has been pushed back till October 2009. UGGGG!!

Brad has been spending his weeks in Bowling Green working 12 hour days Monday thru Friday. We are all ready for this project to be complete. Him and Jacob are really having a hard time with it because they don't get to spend as much time with each other as usual.

We do have a surprise in the family......Brian and Trisha are having a BABY!!!!!! She is due somewhere around the beginning of November. YEAH!!!!!

Wedding plans have officially begun. I will keep everyone posted on the progress as we go. I think right now we are planning on making our own invitations and programs. YIKES!!! Trisha and I got together the other night and work on ideas for wedding flowers and bouquets.
This wedding thing is alot of work!.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Sorry it has been so long since my last post. Things have been absolutely CRAZY!!!! I am at work 8 hours a day/5 days a week. Every waking minute that I don't have Jacob seems to be filled with doing school work. YUCK!!!

Right now I have 2 online classes: Business Finance and Advertising and Sales Promotions. Mom and I spend hours upon hours working on my Business Finance class and it is kicking our butt. Luckily we are now starting week 7 of a 8 week course. Thank goodness!!

The next 8 weeks I have: Statistics on campus 2 nights a week, and then Consumer Behavior and Western Civilization II online. Yeah, I am not for sure how I am going to pull this one off yet but after that I only have 3 more classes and I AM DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know what I am going to do with myself once I graduate. PARTY!!!!!! (yeah right)

Well I better get back to the homework....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Loehner Crew on Christmas Morning!!

Better late than never!!

Here is the Loehner Crew plus Jacob on Christmorning. If you look really hard you can see dad in the back window. From left to right, me (Rachel) - 24, Robin - 22, Katie - 21, Sarah - 18, and the good ole brother John across the front at 14. Let me tell you, he is on heavy little man. And then of course Jacob - 3, on "Aunt" Katie's shoulders. He always has to be in on all the action.

I would like to think that we are a close family but if you would come down to mom and dad's when we are all together, you would never know it.

"Big Sister" has her work cut out for her and I think out of all 4 of them John has been the hardest to keep up with. Imagine that?!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Girls Weekend in St. Louis!!

Well the wedding planning has officially begun!! YIKES.

Angie (my maid of honor) and I went to a Bridal show in St. Louis a few weekends ago. It was HUGE!! There were so many ideas and booths. I even got a massage!! My first one and it was wonderful.

The above picture was taken at the bridal show in a photo booth that you can rent for your wedding. So didn't even know that was an option!
Needless to say, we sampled lots of goodies and got lots of freebies.
Of course, we made a full weekend out of it and did some shopping!!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Home for my Car!!

For the first time in 24 years of my life, I actually have a garage with working garage doors for my car. You have no idea how excited I am about this!!!!!!!!! No more scraping ice and snow off of my car, no more starting the car 30 minutes before I have to go to work, no more hussling to get things into the car when it is pouring down rain.


Thank you so much Brad and Randy for putting them in for me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 New Year Resolutions!!


I hope that everyone had a Happy New Year. Well I guess it is that time of year again where we come up with our new year resolutions ( that very rarely ever make it all year).

My New Year's Resolutions are:

1. Be Healthy and Fit - meaning that I actually want to try and exercise 3 times a week, and eat healthier.

2. Cook - okay this is a big for me. I want to learn how to cook actual healthy meals for my family. Trust me, I am the queen at pizza, hot dogs, mac & cheese, and quick bake casseroles but other than that.....Rachel is pretty limited. It seems that by the time I get home in the evenings the last thing I feel like doing is cooking a big meal for us. So.....if there are any ideas out there, please feel free to share.

3. Simplify My Life - This is a big one. Needless to say my house looks like a tornado hit it, my office at work is almost as bad. I have a three old, go to school, work full time, and also have my own Mary Kay business. Get the hint....need to simplify. At least get some order and routines going.

4. Graduate From College - Praise the LORD!!! My anticipated graduation date is August 2009. Fingers crossed.

Okay, well I think that is it for 2009. WOW, thats a list. YIKES!!! Now I actually have to accomplish them.

So what are your 2009 New Year Resolutions??