I hope that everyone had a Happy New Year. Well I guess it is that time of year again where we come up with our new year resolutions ( that very rarely ever make it all year).
My New Year's Resolutions are:
1. Be Healthy and Fit - meaning that I actually want to try and exercise 3 times a week, and eat healthier.
2. Cook - okay this is a big for me. I want to learn how to cook actual healthy meals for my family. Trust me, I am the queen at pizza, hot dogs, mac & cheese, and quick bake casseroles but other than that.....Rachel is pretty limited. It seems that by the time I get home in the evenings the last thing I feel like doing is cooking a big meal for us. So.....if there are any ideas out there, please feel free to share.
3. Simplify My Life - This is a big one. Needless to say my house looks like a tornado hit it, my office at work is almost as bad. I have a three old, go to school, work full time, and also have my own Mary Kay business. Get the hint....need to simplify. At least get some order and routines going.
4. Graduate From College - Praise the LORD!!! My anticipated graduation date is August 2009. Fingers crossed.
Okay, well I think that is it for 2009. WOW, thats a list. YIKES!!! Now I actually have to accomplish them.
So what are your 2009 New Year Resolutions??